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µðÁöÅÐ Áö½ÃÁ¶Àý°è EC-5500R
Model EC5500R Digital Indicating Controller has a large-sized display excellent in visibility. Since it is a light guide system, it is clear also outdoors. And dial setting is fulfilled easy operation. In addition, self-tuning is equipped as a standard option. PID, gapped PID, heating/cooling control or servo PID are available as control functions. As described above, the EC5500R 1/4DIN controller is applicable to a broad use.
- Extra-Large digital display
- Auto-Tuning, Self-Tuning provided as standard
- Full Multi-Input (Thermocouple, RTD, voltage or current)
- Scaling Range of -1999 to 9999
- Multi- Output (Selective )
- 4 Alarm Output
- RS-232C,RS- 422A (RS-485) Communication Interface
- Easy Replace to EC5500S